Water activity on land!

I was so looking forward to kayaking
but our camp could not get the approval of the Health Department due to the fact that during the CNY hols, it rained, flooded and the water quality wasn't up to standard anymore.
ahh... sedihnya hidup

Our TKL persuaded our Komandan to let us have aktiviti darat air. Go TKL !
There was membina rakit and i forgot the word.. mengeluarkan? ahh to build and to dismantle it.
guys were the one who build it and the girls dismantle.
There was also pertandingan memakai life jacket statik and tidak statik ~~

For the tidak statik, you have to put on the life jacket and then run to the kayak!

And then row five times on each side

I joined the dismantle the rakit. After dismantling everything, the ropes, tiub, pvc had to be arranged accordingly and we arranged that one rope wrongly.. neway we did our best but everyone looked so down when we finished it. We managed to get second thought biggrin

Oh yeah, after finishing the rakit, you're supposed to throw it in the air!

Hahahahaha Aznil is always smiling.
He camera shy

During practice

The day of the competition itself!
Go charlie go charlie go! go! go !

It was their birthday on the day of Pertandingan Air
Their "present" from the jurulatihs


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