
Have a break, have a roti ikan bilis

Everyone was worried about needing the toilet during navigasi~
Luckily no one needed to use it half way :P
And we brought too many tidbits thinking that we would be hungry but the only chance we had to eat was when we reached the checkpoint seeing as how we ran most of the time (We got first for navigasi k!) . i remember they gave roti ikan bilis!

Had to wait for our best navigators to find the bearing

Took pictures while waiting for them~

And later we had to wait for our company's turn to leave

Charlie was the last to leave so we were feeling rather down but at the same time pumped up to catch up with the other company (the winner is the one who takes the shortest time to reach tapak wirajaya)

Seeing as how my ribs were still hurting and running causes pain... i was in pain nearly the whole time. Ahhh, i tripped and fell three times.

while in the jungle. stopped for awhile to re-find the bearing

So cute !
Turned behind to snap their picture. HEHE

Passed through a rubber estate(?)
Rubber being collected
Took the picture while running

Reaching our first check point! The place is so pretty
We managed to catch up with Alpha :D

Apple and Hani finding the bearing of our next checkpoint ^_^

Took only one or two pictures after the first checkpoint.

Jumping over a fence

Reached the end ^_^

I now feel like eating roti ikan bilis. kthanksbye

Khidmat Masyarakat

While taking a break
Met a mak cik and her daughter who was going to visit her eldest daughter at asrama

Khidmat masyarakat meant we were leaving camp!
They arranged us using our ID no, so i was in Padang Hijau 1 (the bus i mean), sat with Eunice~
The bus i was in brought us somewhere... i can't remember where but we were the Bebas Denggi group. Us and Delta
They divided us into two goups and then in the two groups we got divided into smaller groups.
Mine was with Cikgu Jamill

Ini je squad saya? - cikgu jay
We had 11 people but then they dissapeared. lol

Apple and I were talking about Cikgu Jay/ Jamil (one "L" or 2?)
Apple's theory : Cikgu Jay and Cikgu Jamil are not the same people. Cikgu Jay is the one we know in class while Cikgu Jamil is the Delta teacher.
In class he's cheerful and always smiling and never scolds us but then when outside of class, so fierce. He screamed at the guys while giving out punishment.

So, we went around the taman searching for anything that had/could accumulate water.
Picked and threw anything that could takung water. Even saw a few water tanks which had larvae inside and we had to knock on their door to inform them but no one was home or maybe they were just hiding inside

Wo men lai kan you mei you ji sui ma
not supposed to say "mah" apparently
We're here to see if there's *something*water

Ahahaha i said that to one auntie and then she didn't understand, realised what it was and started laughing

Had to wait for the rest of the camp since everyone went different placesNasyid performance by Delta
The malay girls in my dorm sing their song all the time
the song is nice~ plus the movement also

And also Alpha

Oh Oh! we had nasi briyani for lunch that day!

Going back~
Lol, Paan at the back

I'm hungry

My new ipod casing! Err yeah, i put something behind there cos i'm afraid it will get scratch if left as it is. I drew the eyes. ><

Spend my whole day reading manga. At least i did something other than watching tv shows. One of the tv shows i have been watching is Nurul Qistina. Its about a chinese girl who went overseas, fell in love with a Malay guy, came back, went into Islam and got married. The guy turns out to be abusive, drug addict and having an affair :S One day she met this ustaz and his sister who helped her and the ustaz likes her!! She divorced her husband in the end but i wonder if she ended up with the ustaz?

The storyline for Vampire Knight kinda gets weird during book 8.... heh....

Felt like playing Granado Espada. i have the client in my hard disk but i'll still have to download the patch to update it which will take ages! And the internet connection has been slooooow.
Ahhh.... memories of Apostles Faction. From Fruitsy the Perv to daremo who likes Ze hehehe.

#now playing Your Love by Hye Ji ft Alexander I now understand why some fans say the screamed when they heard Xander singing the line " I will make love to you when you want me too~"
His voice in your love is raspy and.... sexy?~~

SS3 just ended in Bukit Jalil. Joanne and Chee Wei went~~

I'm hungry...

I was so looking forward to kayaking
but our camp could not get the approval of the Health Department due to the fact that during the CNY hols, it rained, flooded and the water quality wasn't up to standard anymore.
ahh... sedihnya hidup

Our TKL persuaded our Komandan to let us have aktiviti darat air. Go TKL !
There was membina rakit and i forgot the word.. mengeluarkan? ahh to build and to dismantle it.
guys were the one who build it and the girls dismantle.
There was also pertandingan memakai life jacket statik and tidak statik ~~

For the tidak statik, you have to put on the life jacket and then run to the kayak!

And then row five times on each side

I joined the dismantle the rakit. After dismantling everything, the ropes, tiub, pvc had to be arranged accordingly and we arranged that one rope wrongly.. neway we did our best but everyone looked so down when we finished it. We managed to get second thought biggrin

Oh yeah, after finishing the rakit, you're supposed to throw it in the air!

Hahahahaha Aznil is always smiling.
He camera shy

During practice

The day of the competition itself!
Go charlie go charlie go! go! go !

It was their birthday on the day of Pertandingan Air
Their "present" from the jurulatihs

Kembara Halangan

Everyone gathering for Kembara Halangan

Group photo!

;p after kembara halangan

Sadly i only did kembara halangan once. It was so fun! Hahahaha and i got wet! I can't remember the names of all the halangan but the first one was passing over some tiang. You should see the guys do it, the way they jump over it is like they're flying over it in slow motion. like jackie chan !

I could not hold on to the monkey bar so down i went splash into the green-ish looking water.
Felt like my feet were swimming in my boots! After monkey bar was the swing. Everyone gathered there waiting for their turn and were laughing at each other cos we fell and were soaked. XD

Mango was quite mad she didnt pass and blamed Apple for it
Apple was super happy she manage to pass the monkey bars and claimed its because of all the push up she did during pt pagi~~

I could pass the swing!

Was sms-ing Leslie talking about kembara halangan, he was saying his camp that time everyone in Charlie passed, NO ONE dropped. Including him. la la la la la

That was the only time i got to do kembara halangan because the pain in my ribs were back. It had nothing to do with the activities there or whatsoever, its cos of my muscles something something... cough too much something.. can't remember what the medic was telling me.

The first time we did KH the pain had gone down but when i tried to climb over the wall... OWWW. it went away so i could finish the rest of the course.. but yeah the pain did come back in but not because of KH~~ The pain was quite bad that coughing, laughing, sneezing, running even lifting up my hand made my rib hurt. and the worst thing was, lying down was also painful.

So second time i couldn't join and the third time was already the competition. We weren't allowed to bring our camera this time.

Me and Eunice didnt join so we were there cheering with the rest of our company who didnt join. Teacher seperated the wira and wirawati. I wonder why they always put the guys first :S they're so tall, sit infront, so our view were slightly blocked by them

Charlie Poker!
*tepuk-tepuk Charlie Poker*
Charlie, Charlie
Poker, Poker
Charlie Poker
Sekalaka sekase
swak swak swak SUEY

err it might not be the exact words but it sounds like that

It was during kembara halangan that the four companies "bergabung". As the komandan was saying, it was the first time where all four companies did all the cheers together, meaning everyone did Alpha's cheer, Bravo's cheer etc.

After that we sang Satu Malaysia, Gemuruh, Lima prinsip Rukun Negara

Haha it looks like she's protecting herself from something
Don't worry Mei Yih, i won't do anything to you... ke ke ke

Ahh.. but later on, Grace was so weak she could barely stand. Made me so worried i tell you, she stood up and suddenly fell. Was looking out for her since she wasnt feeling fell and managed to grab/hug her in time so she didn't fall straight to the ground.

Overall, Charlie got second for Kembara Halangan and Delta was first.
It was so nice to see Delta winning! Some of them cried because it was the first time Delta got first place.

Aktiviti tali tinggi

the place where you face your fear of heights!

jeng jeng jeng jeng .... ! This was one of the activity that everyone was looking forward to! AKTIVITI TALI TINGGI!! "Tiga elemen"(that's what the jurulatih called it) and flying fox!!
We didn't get to do abseiling cos it was either flying fox or abseiling only and the jurulatih were the one who chose it~~

During the taklimat for tali tinggi, the teacher in charge got so mad at us that he claimed there and then that aktiviti tali tinggi was cancelled D:
But we got to do it in the end! Wonder what made him change his mind? *tepuk-tepuk syukur*

The wirawati went first so the wira had to sit and wait wonder what he's pointing at?
See how cool and easy the jurulatih made it look?
They checked to make sure everything was safe for us~

We had to wait for Bravo wira to complete it first and if they were too slow in crossing over, Cikgu Mat will start shaking the rope.
When it was our turn he said he janji to not disturb anyone else but a few girls kena xD

I have a fear of
Luckily i didnt or i would have let go and pengsan on the spot -.- eek
Hahahaha you should have seen me during the second element, i could barely move across! my legs were shaking so badly and i couldnt get my legs to
It was only when Cikgu Mat asked me to hold the safety rope that i could walk across.
Somehow when you hold the safety rope which is at your back, everything feels much safer and *wheee* can walk dy~~

It can get a little bit akward when wearing the safety thing as you can see by the look on Grace's face
and the guys have to becareful not to park at the wrong place *cough*

'Saya wirawati Jaclyn Gan dari kompani Charlie meminta kebenaran menaik menara, Tuan! '

See the rope safety rope behind Mango?
Everything feels safer when you hold it and walk across
but you're actually not allowed to ^_^
Mango so steady

Of course... you might still fall

I thought i was going to be unable to hold on to the rope cos you have to lift both your legs up

but then when the thing starts moving, i was like ehhh ok leh. Leslie was right, after you do the rest, flying fox is like okaaaay. but his camp got to do abseilling! and flying fox :S

No matter how scared, there's always time to pose for a photo
my hair so messy D:

credits to Ru Hui for the photos!

we're the first batch of trainees in Kem Sembrong that did not complete tali tinggi,
we are also the first batch who were asked to return to camp half way through wirajaya, who could not do aktiviti air which meant NO KAYAKING D:< ( we did have pertandingan air... but on land), first to do upacara penutupan PLKN in baju kelas aaaannnd the first batch where all four companies bergabung *claps hands* *tepuk-tepuk charlie poker*

Picture of the day goes to Kecik!

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